Couple’s Massage Treatments

Couple’s Massage Treatments in Key West


Experience the unique healing and restorative experience that Ocean Wellness Spa offers to you and your significant other and book one of our signature couple’s massage. Dive into a multi-sensory journey to wellness designed and led by one of our licensed therapists to address the individual needs of each one of you.

A Wide Assortment of Treatments and Enhancements

Ocean Wellness Spa features a long list of massage treatments and add-ons to create a healing experience for you and your partner. From specialized prenatal therapies to a relaxing aromatherapy massage, we have a variety of ways to customize your experience.

Some of our massage treatments include:

Swedish Massage (sessions last from 60 to 90 minutes)

A relaxing massage to loosen and target troubled joints and muscles plus hydrating and nourishing your skin.

Therapeutic Massage (sessions last from 60 to 90 minutes)

A custom massage created, using a variety of massage modalities including, deep tissue, neuromuscular, some Thai stretches among others,

Thai Massage (sessions last from 60 to 90 minutes)

A traditional hands-on Eastern healing art, Thai massage is a deeply relaxing therapy and regular sessions help to prevent the buildup of stress in our daily lives

Sports Massage (sessions last from 60 to 90 minutes)

A blend of massage techniques created to enhance performance, promote healing, and prepares muscles and joints for athletic activity.

Plan an invigorating massage treatment for you and your partner at Ocean Wellness Spa and share this healing experience together.